I managed to get lost in the Magic Kingdom yesterday night. Trying to get back to the hotel, I took one wrong turn and had to take a quick spin through the acres of Walt Disney's land (pardon the pun).

And then there's the hotel: granted it's called the Sheraton Safari, and so the title should speak for itself... I shall let the photo speak on behalf of me. Just a piece of trivia: the hotel boasts the longest python water slide in the World (I read the sign wrong the first time, and got a little scared, as you can imagine).

What immediately made my day, was my chance to play Dr. Doolittle once again. I met a very pretty little green bird on my way to the car, which just sat on the sidewalk looking at me. I could pick it up, hold it, unfold its wings, everything. Being an avid viewer of shows on Animal Planet, I checked it for injuries, carried it over to a piece of grass and set it down. When returning to the hotel this afternoon, the bird was gone. It must have flown off, after being carefully tended to by moi (or eaten by a rhodent, cat, etc. - but let's not think about that!)

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